Friday, 27 July 2018

Greek gift?

Max Dlugy, Naka's Magic, New In Chess 2018/5, p. 82

But isn't a Greek Gift the bishop sacrifice with check?


  1. Thought your feminist self would be more likely to critique the magazine cover than this minor error!

  2. Speaking of which, I'm also dismayed at the gratuitous use of 'It's your move' in the McFarland ad on page 6.

  3. Seems OK to me. *1 minute of research* The internets (wikipedia) call what you mean the Greek gift sacrifice. A Greek gift is a gift given with the intention of tricking and causing harm to the recipient (collinsdictionary), a treacherous gift (wiktionary), deriving from I fear the Greeks even [when they are] bringing gifts (Aeneid).

  4. It's an interesting point Adam, but did your one minute of research extend to the first part of this page?

  5. It's still a Greek gift in general terms, even if not the chess standard Bx


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